Peter Sudarso, You Sly Dog

This just in: Peter Sudarso is one sly dog.

Imagine going out for a steak dinner in November, and conveniently running into one of the longest tenured actors in Power Rangers history: Kelson Henderson. Small world, right? That’s exactly what happened to Sudarso, who plays the newest Blue Ranger in Power Rangers Ninja Steel.


Well, until yesterday. When it was revealed that Henderson would actually be making a return to the Power Rangers franchise after nearly a decade-long absence. Henderson will be returning as a whacky mechanic with alien-like abilities, and the clue was right in front of the fans the entire time. Subtly disguised on social media by the clever Peter Sudarso himself.

Peter Sudarso and his brother have long been fan favorites to Power Rangers fans for their fan interaction and delightful personalities. And the latest tricks that are catered to appeal to hardcore Power Rangers fans will only boost their likability. But we must now question all of the other “coincidential run-in’s” Peter Sudarso has been magically stumbling into.

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•Nic Sampson, who played Chip the Yellow Ranger on Power Rangers Mystic Force?
•Milo Cawthorne, who played Ziggy the Green Ranger on Power Rangers RPM?
•Jarred Blakiston, who played Philip the Graphite Ranger on Power Rangers Dino Charge?
•His own brother, Yoshi Sudarso, who played Koda the Blue Ranger on Power Rangers Dino Charge!?

Will any of these actors be returning to the franchise, either in new roles or as their original characters? They’ve all been spotted in New Zealand with Sudarso, and at this point, who’s to rule anything out?

The fact that Ninja Steel will carry the torch through Power Rangers’ 25th anniversary in 2018 only puts Peter’s fortuitous run-in’s under more of a microscope. Being an anniversary season, many fans expect the show will honor the 25 years of Power Rangers before it with possible returning cast members or other methods to pay homage.

So only time will tell if more cast members go the Kelson Henderson route and make a return to Power Rangers. But there is one thing we know now: Peter Sudarso is one sly dog. Never change, Peter.


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